Sunday, January 01, 2006

New Year's Resolution !

Welcome year 2006 !!! Today I'm gonna create my New Year's Resolution. It's the first time i'm gonna put it in writing (albeit computerized) so I hope I'll be able to fulfill them...

Learn a new hobby... without the computer
I recently noticed that i've been pounding at my keyboard whenever I had the free time (updating blog... checking mail... playing games). This year I hope to learn a new hobby away from the computer, photography perhaps.

Raise my confidence
uh huh. My problem forever =( I feel i've improved a bit but there is probably more to it like turning my volume knob when I'm speaking and be able to say things that I'd like to say... Stop being misinterpreted...

Better use of money
It's not like I have not been able to save any money, It's about putting it into better investments that could yield me greater returns. I'd probably take some risks this year... will ask friend/family advice =D

Finally start a sideline
I've been telling myself that I'll start that sideline months or even years ago. I hope I could start it this year.... even a plan would be great, cause frankly I do not have any idea on what to do.

Learn to cook !!
Regarding food, there is only one thing I know, EAT. I'd want to learn to cook, even a few simple dishes would be great. This is a basic ability which I should have learned years back.

Lose Weight
This has been my last new year's resolution... and here I am again at it =P anyways last year I was @ 240 lbs and now I've trimmed down to 225 lbs not bad really. This time around I hope to trim down a little bit more =P 200 lbs perhaps....

Healthy living
I've been sleeping 6 hours a day for months now.... lagging on my exercise... and eating too much. Maybe I'll try sleeping at 9 PM, wake up 5:30 am, exercise and eat healthier foods =P

Be liked ?
Is this even something I could do..... Jan idiot !

Act like an adult
For the past months, I feel I've been acting like a child... just a feeling though... am i...?

Kinda ambitious I think... is it??? =D


Anonymous said...

perfectly doable. =P

Jan said...

Thnx dianne, I hope so =D