Tuesday, July 05, 2005

No to forwarded chain messages =)

Have you ever been forced to send an email just because you were forced to?? none?? oh come on... you gotta be kiddin me. =P well for me i have got to admit.. if my inbox has 20 new messages.... 18 of them are chain letters... and they are clogging my inbox, wasting my time, and... i dunno what to say =)

Well for me there are a few kinds of chain letters, i'll be enumerating them below =)

Help the poor guy chain letters
These are those despicable chain letters playing with everyone's feelings...emotiongs.. they say all those touching stories just to send all those chain letters to your friends. Sample include, if you send this email the boy something something will receive money from someone someone =P (dunno what to say)

Earn money chain letters
The chain letter for all those business minded people out there... but wait, you are making a fool of yourself sending all those crap where you'll be paid a few cents for every email sent. Yes, every email you sent cannot be possibly monitored... even if it can be... wake up... there's no such thing as easy money these days... =P (if there is... please tell me about it =P)

Funny chain letters
Now I have to admit of all those chain letters, this kind is the one which i like the most (well... yeah at least it makes me laugh.. =P) Thing is sometimes these chain letters have been forwarded so many times you won't be laughing when you pass through all those "forwarded message attached" text =P

You are doomed chain letters
This is practically the most disgusting chain letter of them all. You are forced to send an email because.. you might die... you'll have bad luck... you'll lose money... with all those disgusting pictures attached.. yuck!!. These are offensive letters which in my opinion should not be forwarded.. who would want to sent bad luck to your friends anyways ??!? (or maybe you were sending em to your enemy?? =P not a bad idea ! =P)

I'm misleading you chain letters
These are all those incorrect chain letters.. teaching everyone to be stupid... they have all those information which when looked up on the net turns out to be a bunch of crap... anyways.. always remember before forwarding an email be sure it has correct information. (i once got an email from a friend... showing me all the facts about an email i sent =P embarassing... do your research =P

Oh well, I guess that about sums up my opinion =P but before i close my post today. Ive included a nice, cool site. and don't forget to forward the site =P jks ! (it's real funny you might want to consider =P) ciao !

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