Sunday, May 27, 2007

my cuz's engagement

me and my sis

ok my cuz got engaged today,unfortunately i have not have a picture of her. so i just posted a pic of me and my sister.

we ate at the shang palace of Makati Shangrila. The food was soooooo great! my favorite for the day include the fried eels, prawn balls on orange sauce, sharksfin and crab meat soup =D

and to end my post for today, i'd like to say...

Congrats cuz!!! eileen and gel forever!

Monday, May 21, 2007

got me playing again

i barely touched my ps2 for quite a while now... and this game got me hooked again... =D thats it for now... got to play now =P

Sunday, May 13, 2007

mothers day celebration @ highlands steakhouse

mothers day, we celebrated at the highlands steakhouse today. the food was great!

a little bit lazy today so ill just post some pictures =D

the steak i devoured for the night... tastes perfect!

my mother and grandmother, with the roses we bought for them =D

me and my mom

a very delighted sister

and another sister

Thursday, May 10, 2007


my pride is eating at me
the pain stings as a bee
i wonder when will i stop
coz meekness makes the pain drop



my head is pretty dizzy
is this the right thing to do
God i am so busy
please guide me on what to do


Wednesday, May 09, 2007


here's my take on poem writing. when i was in high school they say you have to do it with your heart... guess what, i think i just did!

the love of my life has left me
i wish she is cheerful and happy
deep in the world she may be
i await her return though lonely
