Sunday, May 29, 2005

Subic here I come

As I opened my eyes I peered through the window, looked at my watch.. oops 2:00 AM (wrong timeslot, too excited =P get back to sleep !). 9:00 AM now, flipping through my "Tuesdays With Morrie" as the bus started on its way to our destination, I shove my book (with care =)) into my bag and slowly doze to sleep .... after a few hours, with some complications we arrive at subic 1:00 PM =), and the day starts for me......

Right after moving out of the bus, all I could think of was food... food... and food =), fortunately we were greeted with a generous buffet by the bay (yummy) anyways after lunch we had some free time (Badminton by the beach?? cool only if the wind would cooperate=))

3:00 team building activities started, I was part of the yellow team =). The whole group is composed of five teams and we played five games =)) have listed em below.

First game
Buntot mo habol ko (Dragon's Tail)
1. Ten players are selected.
2. All players stand in line with their hands on the waist of the person in front.
3. The first person is the Dragon's Head.
4. The last person is the Dragon's Tail.
5. The head tries to catch the tail, the line must follow the head and not break.
6. All the other players try to stop the head from tagging the tail.
7. Once the tail is tagged, the group is eliminated.

Our team: 2nd to be eliminated. =)

Second game
Alakdan Race
1. Ten players are selected.
2. The first player runs/walk from starting point over a pole and back.
3. The next player ties his feet to the first player's feet.
4. The two players runs/walk from starting point over a pole and back.
5. Repeat steps 3 - 4 until all players walk over the pole.

Our team: Last to finish =)

Third game
Blind Puzzle
1. Five players are selected.
2. Three out of the five players are blindfolded and scattered in the field.
3. The remaining players are tasked to lead the three blindfolded players by giving them directions from outside the playing field.
4. The team who is able to get all parts of the puzzle wins

Our team: Champion =P

Fourth game
1. All players participate in this game.
2. Guards are placed in several lines, prohibiting players to advance.
3. When a guard is able to tap a player, the player is considered out.
4. Players who are able to move to the end and back to starting position scores a point.

Our team: No one got through =) (Our tactic was to go in all at the same time.. however I believe the strategy did not work =P)

Fifth game
Blowing balloons.
1. All players participate in this game.
2. The objective of the game is to blow the other teams balloons.
3. Each player has one balloon attached to the hand.
4. For every balloon remaining at the end of the game, gives a score to the team.

Our team: Only one balloon blew, self casualty =P (Our tactic, was to stay on our position and watch the other teams slug it out =P)

After the team building activities, we took some pictures around the place and then went back to our room to take a bath.

We had dinner at around 8:00 PM, went straight to the buffet table and have already got some food when I figured a stub was needed =P. So I had to get the stub... it was a little bit funny coz I already have food in my plate =P

Went to bed early... however I woke up midnight... was a little bit noisy out there.... just went back to sleep.

Nothing really happened the next day. We just walked in the beach, took some pictures and went home. and that's it.... this post is a little bit long =)


Anonymous said...

I was with Jessel!

Jan said...

and you are ?

Anonymous said...


Jan said...

you are wendell.... a.k.a. Tox?? i think =P