Thursday, May 12, 2005

Squidballs 101

It was thursday night...... Passing through the last door out of the office building, the hot weather is immediately felt (the heat prompts one to reconsider going back to work just because of the cooler environment =P ). Instantly i'm relieved to have left my jacket @ the office, pulling my sleeves back i slowly trod the generously lit streets of the city.

On my way home now, i pass through several street vendors... a dirty ice cream stand, a tricycle of softdrinks, hot steamed corn, i slowly moved pass them.. in favor of my favorite... Manong's squidball stand (slurp slurp).

Upon reaching my favorite vendor, my hand almost automatically retrieves the loose changes I have accumulated throughout the day, handing them to "Manong", my hands stretched to accept a barbecue stick. (Please see squidball stand 101 below to familiarize oneself on how to eat squidballs =P ) Aiming the stick at the pool of squidballs, chickenballs, and "kwek kwek" available, I selectively picked up four (uber big =P) squidballs and four chickenballs, slowly placing them on the small paper plate I have on my other hand, pouring my favorite sweet and spicy sauce on them I slowly savored each bite.. with each bite relieving me temporarily of the hungriness i now felt. After a few minutes, satisfied and happy I commute back home. (Have I ever mentioned we were a group..... =) )

Squidball stand 101.
How to eat squidballs
  1. Pay Manong the amount equal to the number of squidballs (for other products refer to Appendix A) you'd like to eat.
  2. Accept magical barbecue stick.
  3. Aim barbecue stick at desired squidball.
  4. Stab desired squidball (wrong adjective?? any suggestions)
  5. Select favorite sauce (Appendix B)
  6. Dunk Squidball on favorite sauce.
  7. Enjoy !

Appendix A Products available
(No need to explain right ??)
Chicken Ball (another variant of squidballs, they say it's made of chicken. However I feel it's just squidball studded with pepper =P)
Tukneneng (quail eggs covered in orange flour like substance)
Kwek Kwek (Bigger version of tukneneng)

Appendix B Sauce available
Sweet and Spicy


Anonymous said...

Among your blogs so far, i like this one the best, well if you notice, its about food. hehehe.
Anyway, i enjoy reading it as i move long, laughing at the same time. So keep up the good work, i didnt know you could write.
By the way, kwek kwek is pugo, right? Pugo is quail egg and penoy is duck egg, well balut is duck egg with offspring.
keep writing

Jan said...

Hey thanks for the info. Just found out that "tukneneng" is for quail eggs with orange flour and "kwek kwek" is the bigger version of tukneneng ! will update the blog hehe Thanks !